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Blockchain Changed The Art World – KRYPTA ANALYTICS

Insights into the use cases of Blockchain impact in Visuals Arts

Blockchain in Visual Arts

Blockchain technology can help democratize the space, making it possible to buy 1/1000th of a Picasso. 

The availability of this information within blockchain DLT;

1 .Financialization in Visual Arts.

2.  Decentralization of ownships.

3.   Improve visibility and compliance thus creating collaborative environment.

Analysed , researched , scrutinized data driven professional ready to use presentations.

Watermarked PDF

Coming Soon
  • Readymade with research data and graphs
  • Editable Microsoft .PPT format
  • Editable Excel table / charts
  • Customizable per your need
  • No watermark

The Art Market 2 0 Blockchain and Financialization in Visual Arts.

Report Summary

Blockchain technology can help democratize the space.

Fine art auctions generate over $65 billion annually, the promise of this technology bringing in investment opportunities to a disenfranchised audience, and using its tokenized model as a means of asserting the artist’s intellectual property.

With the advert non-fungible ERC-721 tokens and the success of  CryptoKitties,  digital scarcity is a game changer herein and will reinvent  the Art Market. 

Coming Soon…….

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